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The library is situated on the second floor of the science building of the college. The total carpet area is 3283 square feet. Its premises are shared by its sister institution, Surendranath College. It is an open- access library with approximately 21566 books which includes both text and reference books. The number of books is augmented every year, keeping in view the changes brought in the syllabuses of various subjects and the needs of the students and the teachers. Books are classified using DDC23 classification schedule and catalogued using AACR2 cataloguing schedule. The library is partially automated. The library database is currently being created using the library automation software, Koha. Once complete, it would also be used for other library services. The library has a spacious reading room, having a seating capacity of approximately 50 students. There is also a separate reading area for teachers. The library is equipped with ICT facilities like desktops, printers & Wi-Fi. Besides, provision has been made for students to read current newspapers, e-books and e-journals, to keep abreast of the times. Care is taken to maintain silence inside the library, conducive to peaceful reading and study.